Riley Poverly is the main protagonist of Oxenfree II: Lost Signals, she comes back to Camena, Oregon to explore the source of the strange radio signals. During the night, she uses a Walkie-Talkie to talk to multiple people.
Riley Poverly is a brave, intelligent young woman. Her general disposition is bold and sarcastic, but player choices can determine whether or not she is more negative or positive towards other characters.
Riley is a woman in her 30s, with brown skin, medium-length auburn hair, light brown eyes and pronounced lips. She wears a grey shirt, layered with a yellow outdoor vest. She has dark blue jeans, with a pair of brown boots. She also wears an orange backpack.
Riley was born on February 29th, 1989 in Camena, Oregon, and raised by single veteran father, as her mother left her at a young age. Riley moved away at the first opportunity, bouncing around between cities and jobs in an attempt to conjure up some direction in her life. Now, a recent change has pushed her to return to her old hometown, to take an entry-level job as an environmental researcher, placing transmitters around the coast of Camena.